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4. Pre-Set Balance Sheet Accounts

Match your fee and gain and loss accounts to Breezing and set up your balance to match Breezing

Connect gas fees & net gain loss to P&L accounts

Let Breezing know where we should post your fee and net gain loss transactions.

  1. Click on Your company name in the top left hand navigation and click Settings
    1. Notion image
  1. Select Company Fee Account from your list of accounts.
    1. Notion image
  1. Select your Company net gain loss account from your list of accounts.
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  1. Click Update

Connect tokens to balance sheet accounts

If your balance sheet is set up by token asset, you can let Breezing know which accounts are associated to which tokens.

  1. Click on Assets in the left hand panel
    1. Notion image
  1. Search the token you want to assign an account and click it.
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  1. Select the account associated with that token.
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  1. It is best to individual balance sheets accounts to bigger crypto assets like ETH, BTC, MATIC and others and post the rest of the smaller tokens into an “Other Crypto Currencies” asset account.
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Connect wallets to balance sheet accounts

If your balance sheet is set up by wallet address, you can let Breezing know which accounts are associated to which wallets.

  1. Click on Rules in the left hand panel.
    1. Notion image
  1. Click Add Rule in upper right hand corner
  1. Name the Rule. Click on the Field drop down and select Wallet Click on Operator drop down and select Equal . Click on Value and select the wallet you want assign to a balance sheet.
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  1. Below under Actions click Field in the drop down and select Asset Account and choose the balance sheet account you want to assign to this wallet.
  1. Click Field in the drop down and select Fee Account and choose the same balance sheet account you want to assign to this wallet for fees.
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  1. Click Save
  1. Click Apply Now to apply the Rule
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  1. If you have more wallets to connect to more balance sheets accounts, the quickest way is to click Duplicate on the first one you created and simply re-arrange the fields.
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